The brothers who play together stay togetherRyan and Maxx Tamburrino are set to double the entertainment and space at their fun-forward ClubHouse No. 3 SportSocial in downtown Sandusky

Growing up in Sandusky and Perkins Township, brothers Ryan and Maxx Tamburrino enjoyed a lot of the same activities, such as bowling and golf.

As the years passed, Maxx rarely stayed far behind big brother Ryan, following him to Columbus, for school at The Ohio State University, and later to Florida, where the latter was working on his master’s degree in business at Webber International University in Babson Park, where Maxx pursued an undergraduate degree.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that the two decided to go into business together and now, with help from their father, Steve, co-own the activities-focused bar Clubhouse No. 3 SportSocial in downtown Sandusky, which is about to double in size.

“We’re always stuck together doing the same stuff,” Maxx says during a recent joint phone interview with Ryan. “We know every single day that we do something that the next day’s the next day even if yesterday was a bad day. 

“It’s always been good for us, I think.”

After partnering on a venture to help businesses with their social media and living again in Columbus, the brothers decided during the pandemic to move back home. There, Maxx continued to pitch Ryan on possibilities for their next endeavor. 

“I’ve always been an idea person,” says the 29-year-old Maxx, who’d long wanted to do something involving games – an escape room, a miniature golf course, etc.

“Maxx is the throw-spaghetti-on-the-wall-until-something-sticks kind of person, and I’m the realist, I guess,” says Ryan, 33. “He gets angry with me on that side, but I kind of shoot (ideas) down because I’m the experienced person.”

They settled on opening a golf simulator, but things grew far beyond that after creating their LLC in 2021 and opening in April 2022 at 220 E. Water St., in The Historic E&K Winery Building. 

The golf simulator was followed by shuffleboard tables, “Golden Tee” arcade machines, pinball and, eventually, interactive darts.

The downside, they say, is the joint can become crowded.

“We run out of space upstairs when the OSU games and (other events) happen because the games are rented,” Maxx says. 

He says “upstairs” because they're on the verge of opening up the basement, taking the place from 6,000 square feet to 12,000. The new second floor will be home to a racing simulator; a large video wall with a stage with a speaker system, where a musical act or comedian could perform; and another bar, which will offer more beers – Clubhouse No.3 always has several on tap – and some different cocktails from those offered at the bar and the ground floor.

The new space should be especially appealing to one type of valuable client.

“A lot of companies have been enjoying renting out our space for team building or corporate holiday parties,” Ryan says, “and we’ve heard them – and we’re trying to increase the size we have.”

And hungry visitors don’t have to go far, thanks to the recent addition of Archies at Clubhouse No. 3, a partnership with the owners of Archie’s Pizza Truck.

The vibe they’ve gone for with the business is similar to that of Pins Mechanical Co., where Ryan worked for a time in Columbus.

“We’re really trying to cater toward the adults a little bit more,” he says. “We are very family-friendly during the days – especially on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays – but we are, first and foremost, a bar.”

In describing the differences between the floors, Maxx says the upstairs will be more active, with patrons typically standing while playing games and socializing, with sitting being the name of the game downstairs, whether guests are watching a game, taking in some live entertainment or enjoying the racing simulator.

“On your feet and in your seat on two different floors,” adds Ryan, seemingly walking into what could become a catchphrase.

At least for now, they say, they’re focused on investing in the business, not sitting back and counting profits, Ryan saying with a laugh the days of the money just rolling in may “never” happen. They have to pay bills, he says, but the “community-driven” mission continues to be to offer the type of entertainment experience downtown Sandusky hasn’t had. 

“We love seeing our friends enjoy themselves when they come here,” he says. “And (on nights out) they drag us back to our own bar nine out of 10 times, which is just awesome.”

Adds Maxx, “We love to entertain people and give them a reason to have fun together. Sitting back isn’t our plan when we’re 29 and 33 – it’s more to be in it and have fun with everybody. And, in the future, hopefully that all pays off.”

Read more articles by Mark Meszoros.

Lifelong Ohio and Ohio University alum Mark Meszoros is a Northeast Ohio-based features and entertainment writer and Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer Approved Critic. When he's not watching a movie in a theater or his living room, he's likely out for a beer or a bike ride -- or both. Rest assured, he thinks his taste in music is superior to yours. 
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