Mark Meszoros

Lifelong Ohio and Ohio University alum Mark Meszoros is a Northeast Ohio-based features and entertainment writer and Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer Approved Critic. When he's not watching a movie in a theater or his living room, he's likely out for a beer or a bike ride -- or both. Rest assured, he thinks his taste in music is superior to yours. 

Feature Story anitakromerlist

Feeding the soul:

Development News avenger list

Geeking out over Grummans:

Feature Story timmurraylist

Tim Murray’s ‘Witches’ brew:

Feature Story justinharrislist

The doctor's lawyer:

Feature Story pusateripuckrinandgenniemarielist

A dog's tale:

Development News PIB_list

Grape expectations:

Development News wolfflist

Hungry like a Wolff:

Development News caybaralist

Capybaras, please come in:

Feature Story ottawacountyparkdistrictlist

Slow burn:

Feature Story Regardless of whether they come from near or far, some who graduate from the RAAM program stay in the area, working full-time at Cedar Point and other attractions.

Long-distance RAAM-ing:

Development News everwildlist

Getting ‘Nauti’ at Everwild Spirits

Feature Story totaleclipselist

Into the darkness

Development News tilly

Wholly cow – no more Moose Tracks!