
Feature Story glacialgrooves

Getting Groovy: Glacial Grooves Geological Preserve receives improvements

After a $2.27 million upgrade to the Glacial Grooves Geological Preserve, the public can better appreciate this rare landmark. 

Feature Story exhibit2

Revamped Magee Marsh Visitor Center delights lovers

The remodeled Magee Marsh Visitor Center offers more nature education through exhibits and wildlife viewing.

Feature Story gardentshirt

The Garden of EdyWhat started out as a necessity, grew into a passion, then bloomed into a business.

For Edy Harlan, what started out as a necessity, grew into a passion, then bloomed into a business.

Development News newlifelist

A new location for New Life

Sandusky church gets a makeover and new location but keeps the same passion for what they give back to their community.  

Development News ucclist

First Congregational UCC celebrates summer services at Shoreline Park

First Congregational UCC celebrates summer with shoreline services.

Development News qblist

Quesa-Broso offers curbside cravings to Mexican food lovers

Norwalk family expands Mexican food truck business to Sandusky area.

Feature Story daytonsitting

Baking up BarnettShores & Islands Ohio’s Dayton Barnett whips up content for social media outlets

Dayton Barnett's love of social media translates to his position at Shores & Islands Ohio and his own baking business.  

Development News SFM

Sandusky Farmers Market returns to downtown

Find new and old favorites at this year's Sandusky Farmers Market.

Feature Story lyman3

Living the Lyman Life

Kurt Kresser spent four years restoring his 1963 25’ Lyman Sleeper.  

Development News wobserlist

Wobser returns to Sandusky in new role

Eric Wobser returns to Sandusky as CEO of the Greater Sandusky Partnership.

Feature Story Dorsey continued to Be Brave during his chemotherapy treatements. (Photo/Courtesy of Tim Dorsey)

Forward momentumNamesake of Sandusky’s Tim Dorsey Fitness reflects back on cancer battle, talks about dipping his toes into acting

Although he prefers to look ahead, namesake of Sandusky’s Tim Dorsey Fitness reflects back on cancer battle, talks about dipping his toes into acting

Development News NWClist

Norwalk Wellness Center opens under new owners and new name

With a new name and additional services, Erich Metzger, and his wife Brandi, took a Norwalk business and made it their own.

Feature Story goats

Downs on the Farm enriches lives of special needs adults and kids through programming

Downs on the Farm offers programming for adults and children with special needs.

Development News Firelands FCU President and CEO Brett Montague speaks at the Perkins Avenue groundbreaking ceremony on May 22.

Firelands Federal Credit Union breaks ground on Sandusky location

The branch will be the second Firelands FCU in Erie County.

Feature Story securekeller

Cybersecurity is accessible and affordable with Ryan Keller and SecureSight

Ryan Keller, a 2003 Sandusky grad, wants to protect against cyber threats with his business, SecureSight.

Development News haircut

New barber program makes the cut at Sandusky Career Center

The new barber program at Sandusky Career Center is the first of its kind in the area.

Development News HotyLynch

Learn what you should know about your commercial landlord from RISE presentation

Kula Hoty Lynch will present "The Truth About Your Commerical Landlord" Friday as part of the RISE Speaker Series.

Feature Story Carl Topilow is the conductor and musical director of Firelands Symphony Orchestra. (Photo/Kevin Lee)

Firelands Symphony Orchestra director strives to connect with audience, orchestra members

“With the outstanding support of the orchestra, board, staff, and the community, I’ve been able to present a special kind of concert experience for our audiences — user-friendly and entertaining which make them feel part of the experience.”

Feature Story ferryhuntley

A life on the waterFerryboat captain for decades has spent days running from Marblehead to Kelleys Island and back

Don Huntley recalls stories of his years as a ferry boat captain.

Development News cbdowners

Your CBD Store/Sunmed moves to Perkins Township’s Outback Plaza

Your CBD Store/Sunmed finds a news home in Outback Plaza.